Flowers delivered Nationwide


Laurel Bouquet Laurel Bouquet
Laurel Bouquet
Laurel Bouquet


Delivery available across Kent from £5.00

A beautiful sunny bunch including buttercup roses, daffodil, tanacetum, delphinium, tulips, oxypetalum, craspedia and dried bunny tails all combined with mixed foliage; delivered in water with our signature packaging and gift card.

Please note flowers may be substituted dependent on availability.

Image shown is a large bouquet.

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IB Glass Vase

A beautiful sunny bunch including buttercup roses, daffodil, tanacetum, delphinium, tulips, oxypetalum, craspedia and dried bunny tails all combined with mixed foliage; delivered in water with our signature packaging and gift card.

Please note flowers may be substituted dependent on availability.

Image shown is a large bouquet.

All of our products are beautifully wrapped in Coco & Bloom packaging.

Deliveries to Kings Hill and West Malling are free of charge.

Deliveries to all other postcodes within 20 miles of our shop are a fixed fee of £6.99.

All deliveries within 20 miles of our shop are delivered between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Saturday, by a member of our team.