Flowers delivered Nationwide


The Florence Bouquet The Florence Bouquet
The Florence Bouquet
The Florence Bouquet

National Delivery – Florence

Delivery available across Kent from £5.00

Florence bouquet featuring clematis, lisianthus, rose, spray rose, antirrhinum, hypericum, scabiosa, veronica and a mix of eucalyptus and foliage; delivered in water with our signature packaging and gift card.

Please note flowers may be substituted dependent on availability.

Image shown is a medium bouquet.

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Florence bouquet featuring clematis, lisianthus, rose, spray rose, antirrhinum, hypericum, scabiosa, veronica and a mix of eucalyptus and foliage; delivered in water with our signature packaging and gift card.

Please note flowers may be substituted dependent on availability.

Image shown is a medium bouquet.

All of our products are beautifully wrapped in Coco & Bloom packaging.

National delivery is available for addresses over 20 miles from our shop within the UK and will be sent via Royal Mail, 1st class. This is a tracked service so please note a signature will be required on delivery. Please note any orders made Friday – Sunday through the website will be sent out for delivery from Monday.