Flowers delivered Nationwide


Gertrude Bouquet Gertrude Bouquet
Gertrude Bouquet
Gertrude Bouquet


Delivery available across Kent from £5.00

Treat Mum with this whopping bouquet, includes; rose, spray rose, lisianthus, lilac, wax flower, clematis, anemone, delphinium, stock, veronica and mixed eucalyptus foliage, delivered in water with our signature packaging and gift card.

Please note flowers may be substituted dependent on availability.



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IB Glass Vase

Treat Mum with this whopping bouquet, includes; rose, spray rose, lisianthus, lilac, wax flower, clematis, anemone, delphinium, stock, veronica and mixed eucalyptus foliage, delivered in water with our signature packaging and gift card.

Please note flowers may be substituted dependent on availability.



All of our products are beautifully wrapped in Coco & Bloom packaging.

Please note flowers may be substituted dependent on availability.

Deliveries to Kings Hill and West Malling are free of charge.

Deliveries to all other postcodes within 20 miles of our shop are a fixed fee of £6.99.

All deliveries within 20 miles of our shop are delivered between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Sunday, by a member of our team.